Static VAr Generator

Static Var Generator(SVG) compensates reactive power caused by inductive or capacitive loads. SVG is sometimes called an active power factor compensator (APFC). The reason for this is that SVG reactive power is provided by means of electronics, as opposed to traditional capacitor banks, which can only compensate in fixed step sizes due to the use of passive components.

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Improve the stability of power transmission
Maintain the receiving-end voltage level
Reactive power compensation leading to high power factor and low line losses.
Restrain voltage fluctuation and flicker
Mitigate 3-phase unbalance
Faster response speed
Stronger voltage flicker restrain capability
Wide operation range
Multiple compensation function
Low harmonic content
Smaller floor space

How it works?

P2 Power Static VAR Generator range is a universal, The dopted topology is: Transformer less cascaded H-Bridge Multilevel Converter. The terms of Cascaded H-bridge means that the VSI is composed of several H-bridge connected in series. The Terms multilevel means that the output voltage of the VSI assumes several distinct values. This topology can be used in two connection schemes. Delta Connection and Wye connection.
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